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Wondering how long it takes for casual dating to turn into an exclusive relationship? Accept y'all gone on a few dates with somebody and you're wondering if it's "too early" to make the jump? Luckily, information technology's piece of cake to figure out when yous're ready to make the plunge, and there's plenty of data out there when it comes to how long the typical transition from dating to commitment takes. In this commodity, nosotros'll walk you lot through everything you lot need to know about what it takes to turn a few dates into a serious relationship.

This article is based on an interview with our dating coach, Candice Mostisser. Check out the total interview hither.

  1. 1

    Practise this face-to-face when you're both happy and calm. Doing this over the phone or via text can be rough, since y'all won't be able to translate their body language. Pick a time when you're in a proficient place as a couple.[12]

    • You might practise this after a good engagement, or while you're both relaxing and cuddling on the couch.
  2. 2

    Ask them if yous tin can have a conversation about making it official. Accept a deep jiff and ask them if yous can talk. Then, ask them if it's okay to talk over the nature of your human relationship. Don't worry—you already know they like you, so you take nothing to worry almost.[xiii]

    • You could say, "Hey, I'd similar to talk well-nigh our human relationship, if that's okay? Nothing bad, I promise! I only want to know where you lot run into us going and if you're interested in making information technology official."
    • Alternatively, you tin just come right out and say, "I'm sorry if this is a bit forward, merely do you want to be my young man/girlfriend?"
    • If you don't feel comfortable having this conversation, it may be a sign that you aren't quite ready to move on.
  3. 3

    Define the human relationship if they're on lath with existence a couple. If they like you, y'all similar them, and they're interested in beingness an exclusive couple, define information technology but to make sure you both mean the same matter. This manner, in that location'due south no defoliation regarding what you are. A lot of people don't practise this, but information technology'south important to make things clear.[fourteen]

    • You lot might say, "Then you'll be my young man/girlfriend?" or, "I'm going to be your boyfriend/girlfriend? It's official?"
    • Brand sure y'all're exclusive by clarifying what a "relationship" means to you. You might enquire, "I have no interest in dating anyone else. Do yous feel the same way? I merely want make sure nosotros're on the same page most not seeing other people."
  4. four

    If they seem resistant, either cut ties or proceed casually dating. If the "official" talk doesn't go the mode you desire it to, take a deep breath. If you're comfortable continuing to date and giving the relationship infinite to exhale, tell them. If you think you're ready for something serious and this has run its course, say then. Whatever you cull to do, your decision is valid.[15]

    • If you're okay to keep dating and you don't mind waiting for them to meet you lot where you're at, you might say, "That's okay, I go it. I'm fine with keeping things casual if yous are."
    • If you really want to be exclusive and move things frontward, y'all might say, "I empathise how you experience, but I really think we're looking for different things."
    • Information technology's also okay to just say, "I need some time to call back. I'm not angry or anything, only let me procedure how I feel."
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